TWFP 2018 is underway

Alrighty then here we go.

In the past 24 hours we've had four more donors sign up, so we are at 59 right now, a new record for TWFP to start the season. Last year we got to 60, but we started with 55.

So let's all welcome Kelvin, Kevin Q and Rodney to the water and wish them 2nd place luck. And a shout out to Romy for staying in another year. Thanks for your donations.

Looks like a lot of people have their pick in for tonight's soiree between the Dirty Birds and the Lucky Birds. The majority have more points on the Falcons, so go Eagles! Right now ATL is up because of the point spread even though it's 0-0.

Some of you might not have been getting my emails so apologies to Pam and Nate.

With the addition of the new people, THE Weekly payout will be $120, $85, $50, $25 and $15.(subject to change) If we add any more players, 2nd and 3rd will increase. Overall pot is sitting at $1,180.

Remember I will still let people in through Week 4, so if you have anyone else or any fence sitters are feeling left out, let me know if you are staying IN.

HAVE YOU MAILED or PayPal-ed your $120 yet?

Any questions please read the rules. Any problems, please email or call.

Remember, I'm a food broker not a bookie so go easy on me.

As always, 2nd place luck to everyone!

Larry Eiffert

4415 E. Ardmore St.
Anaheim Hills, CA 92807

Week 20 Recap | 2017 Season Results

Well folks, THE Weekly Football Pool is a wrap for the 2017 season.

We had eleven people getting both games right this week and scoring 19 points. Total points scored in the games was 89.

Taking 1st place in the final week of the season was our resident webmaster Steven with his TB of 87. In 2nd place just two points away with 85 was Jeff. 3rd place went to Doodles with 83, and we had tie for 4th between Sam and Tim at 82. Honorable mention goes to CrisE, Geoff, MikeH, MikeM, Romy and Todd for pickin em good too. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS.

And with the most overall points, the champion of THE Weekly Football Pool 2017 is SamK! He took over the top spot in week eight and never looked back. Congrats on a great season Sam!

Taking 2nd place was a new comer to the pool, Rory. He got close to the champ last week, but with Sam getting both games correct this week, had to settle for 2nd place.

Taking 3rd this year is CrisE who had a good season that I'm sure SteveG will hear about it for the next 7½ months.

4th place went to another new comer to TWFP Richard, and settling in the 5th spot was Steven. Honorable mention goes to Joy, just one point off the pace. CONGRATS AGAIN TO ALL THE WINNERS!!!!!

Good job everyone getting yours picks in and making the job even easier this year. And a BIG thanks to the fore mentioned Steven for maintaining the website and keeping things running.

I hope everybody had a fun NFL season in spite of the player nonsense, and a good time in TWFP 2017. Hopefully you all return next year. Rick has threatened to bring ten more people in so 2018 looks to be another YUGE year.

Some things to look forward to in 2018 besides TWFP, the Rams are still in L.A., the Chargers still in a soccer stadium, the Raiders still in Oakland and Drew Brees still in a Saints uniform.

Enjoy the big game in two weeks, the Eagles might surprise everyone again. And get your picks ready, the first game of the 2018 season is in 228 days.

Checks will go out during the week.

Take care-


Week 19 Results | Week 20 Spreads

1st place was SteveF, the only one who had all four games correct with 34 points. Total points were 214. Three people had three games correct with 27 points. 2nd place with a TB of 187 was Chon. 3rd with a TB of 166 was JakeFSF. 4th went to Joy with a TB of 148. And 5th was Jim with 26 points. Honorable mention goes to Rory. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total and crown of TWFP Champ for 2017, Sam is clinging to a 4 point lead over Rory who has made his move the last few weeks and is now in 2nd. JakeFSF climbs into the top group in 3rd. Richard drops one spot to 4th, and Joy moves into 5th going into the last week of the season. Everyone with 545 or better still has a shot at placing, so best of luck to you all.

The pick sheet is attached and the spreads are set. Only two games to play this week for 10 and 9 points. By now everyone has the hang of EMAILing your TIEBREAKER so this will be the only mention. Some already have.

Second place luck to everyone-

