Week 9 Results | Week 10 Spreads

Taking 1st place his week was the former singer of the Kingsmen, Louie Lou-I with 44 points. Just kidding, but it sounded good. He had it locked up after the Sunday games so it was an easy victory.

In 2nd place we had a tie at 43 points between the husband and wife team of Christina and Todd, and last weeks co-winner Jose. This is their first time in the placements since week one of the 2014 season and they did it going against their 49ers for 10 points. This is Jose's second time in two weeks and fourth mention this year so he's gotta be pretty happy.8-)

Taking the consolation prize with 42 points was the other Todd ending a mini-drought for him. Honorable mention goes to MikeH and Steven with 41. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall title, Adrianna says to heck with you and takes 1st place back from her husband SteveF who drops to 2nd. Joy hangs onto to 3rd for another week, and the fore mentioned Jose jumps up into 4th knocking JakeFSF to 5th.

This week will be the half way mark of the season and unlike fantasy football, we play 20 weeks through the playoffs. So if you think you are out of it, you still have ten weeks to turn it around and lots of cash to be gotten along the way.

Just a ten week heads up so no one is caught off guard: we use tie breakers in the playoff weeks so you've been warned.

The spreads are done so pick 'em good!

Also... How Bout Dem Saints!


Week 8 Recap | Week 9 Spreads

And a nightmare it was for Dale and I. So close! Looks like the bye week made the Vikings worse. I need to watch the scouting report. I didn't know Cutler was back.

We have a double tie this week. Taking 1st place, both with 42 points is Jose and SteveF. That's Jose's first time in the honey, and I've lost track of how many times SteveF has had his name mentioned. He's on a roll that's for sure. And tying for 2nd with 40 points is the ever surprising Adrianna and Nancy. This is the second time in the honey for both of them.

And just one point off the pace, honorable mention goes to the Commish, RyanS and Steven. Congrats to the winners!

In the overall points race, SteveF wrestles 1st place back from his wife Adrianna who drops down to 2nd. And Joy and JakeFSF stay in 3rd and 4th respectably for another week.


Spreads are out, so pick 'em good!


Week 7 Results | Week 8 Spreads

Well, all those things I said about Geoff getting a perfect score weren't quite accurate. There was a mistake on the scoring and Washington and Detroit we both getting credit for the win. The winner was Detroit so all those people who had Washington on Sunday lost those points on Monday. Geoff was the one who pointed it out so he gets an atta boy! He still had a chance at 51 and a three-peat which would have been something special, but alas, that ugly game on Sunday night did him in.

The guy who still doesn't care is Ruuudy, Ruuudy, Ruuudy! He took 1st place with an impressive 50 points(which is always impressive) and had it locked up on Sunday with 48. So the two extra points were icing on the cake and who knows, in the end might be the difference for a placement. That's his first time in the cashish since the conference week of 2013. Talk about ending a drought!:-$

Taking 2nd place with a strong 48 points was first year player in TWFP, Sam K! He got in late but he's been climbing up the ladder each week and is showing up his buddy the resident IT guy, and some of us vets too.lol To quote Sam, and this is second hand info, "This football pool is @#$%^&* awesome!" 8-)

Coming in 3rd with 45 points and placing for the first time this year was Dave T. He gets bragging rights this week over his son Jake T, and his buddy the defending champion JakeFSF. They both tied with 42 and split the consolation prize.:-P

Honorable mention goes to Geoff, Romy and RyanS all with 41. CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS!!!!!

For the overall, we have a new leader in Adrianna going into week 8. She trades places with her husband SteveF who drops to 2nd. Joy moves up one spot to 3rd and JakeFSF gets back into the conversation in 4th.

Okay the pick sheet is attached and the spreads are in. As always, there's still many games to be played so Pick Em' Good!

