Week 19 Results | Week 20 Spreads

1st place was SteveF, the only one who had all four games correct with 34 points. Total points were 214. Three people had three games correct with 27 points. 2nd place with a TB of 187 was Chon. 3rd with a TB of 166 was JakeFSF. 4th went to Joy with a TB of 148. And 5th was Jim with 26 points. Honorable mention goes to Rory. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total and crown of TWFP Champ for 2017, Sam is clinging to a 4 point lead over Rory who has made his move the last few weeks and is now in 2nd. JakeFSF climbs into the top group in 3rd. Richard drops one spot to 4th, and Joy moves into 5th going into the last week of the season. Everyone with 545 or better still has a shot at placing, so best of luck to you all.

The pick sheet is attached and the spreads are set. Only two games to play this week for 10 and 9 points. By now everyone has the hang of EMAILing your TIEBREAKER so this will be the only mention. Some already have.

Second place luck to everyone-


Week 18 Results | Week 19 Spreads

And so the Saints move on to Minnesota...........................

What a crazy finish to that one. And with an exclamation point on the last play! I was hoping the Rams would win yesterday so the Saints could get a week off in Philly. But if they can get past the Vikings next week, they will go home to Da Dome against Atlanta for the conference championship. I know Steve Gannon and a few others have a different idea about that though. The good news is, they play on Sunday when the temp will be 3º. It will be 1º on Saturday. YIKES! Thank goodness they will be playing indoors. The other three games should be cakewalks for the favored team.hint hint

Alright then, four people were perfect this week in TWFP with 34 points. Final total of all games was 152. Taking 1st with his real close tiebreaker of 149 and closest to(3) was Geoff. His first 1st place this year and third time collecting some cashish. In 2nd place was the fore mention SteveG at 175(23). 3rd place went to SteveF just four behind him at 179(27), and 4th went to yours truly with 181(29). Consolation prize went to Matt, Geoff's Dad at 110(42). He was looking really good after the morning contest. But the second game snatched 1st place right out of his hands. Honorable mention goes to Rudy with 27. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the race for the overall points total and crown of TWFP Champion for 2017, SamK is still in the lead by 12, but the race has tightened up some. CrisE moves up to the 2nd spot. Richard climbs two places to 3rd. Rory makes his move into the top group in 4th. And Rudy gets back into the mix in 5th tied with BrianF who drops down from 2nd. At this point anyone with 540 or better has a shot at the title. The next two weeks will be wild.

I will send out the pick sheet on Wednesday night this week. Thursday might have been cutting it a little close for some with the Saturday game.AHEM!

The Commish was generous this week regarding TIEBREAKERS. Fortunately it didn't have any effect on the outcomes. Next week will be brutal, unless you can prove the dog ate your pick sheet, SO DON'T FORGET TO EMAIL YOUR TIEBREAKER.

Have a good week and WHO DAT!


Week 17 Results | Week 18 Spreads

Hope everyone had a safe and sane celebration last night. What a finish to the Rose Bowl. Too bad somebody had to come out on top. Looking like all SEC in the big game right now.

Taking 1st place in the last regular season week was Chon with 46 points. He's been close a few times this year but managed to squeak this one out. Tying for 2nd place, just one point behind the leader was Joe and Steven with 45. That's Joe's second time in the cashish this year, and Steven's second time in two weeks. In 4th place was Richard at 41, and we had a tie in 5th for the beer money between JakeT and Rob. Honorable mention goes to Roger who is absolutely thrilled he's not in last place anymore. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total, SamK stays on top another week, BrianF moves up to 2nd, CrisE drops one spot to 3rd. And Richard and Steven move into the top group in 4th and 5th. Sam has a nice lead by 23, but only seven points separate the other four. And twelve others are within 20 points. What a race for the title!

So for the playoff weeks, we only have four games and a tie breaker, which is the total points of all four games combined. REMEMBER YOUR TIE BREAKER.

Two games on Saturday and two games on Sunday. The pick sheet will be out on Thursday.

Happy New Year,

