Season 2023

Alrighty then folks,

The website is up and running. The first game is 10 days away. Week 1 games are listed but have no spreads yet. They will be entered on Tuesday of next week.

Everyone please login so we can make sure you are connected.

Your login and password should be the same as last year. Your Login is your name as it appears and your password should be your zip code. Click on Week 1 at the top of the page to see the list of names. If you have trouble, let me know and I will reset it.

A little bit of house keeping from last year, I made a YUGE mistake on the Big Game Pool. I thought there was a tie. It was not and the outright winner was Rory. Todd Stokes called me and said I gave him the wrong tie breaker and that he was not one of the winners. So for his honesty, Todd gets a free entry into TWFP 2023. THANKS for being an honesty guy Todd!

Let's all welcome back long time player Chris Mamoulelis for 2023! So far we have 47 players confirmed.

Haven't heard from Carson, Jim K, Mike D, Nancy, Nate, Pam, Ruben, Sam, Steve G or Victor. Please let me know if you are IN for 2023. If not, it's okay just let me know so I can take you off the email.

If you have anyone new that wants to get IN, you know the drill, have them email me and say I'M IN. I will take it from there.

Please Pay your Pal or Ven Mo your entry before the start of the first game. If you think you are still owed something from last year, let me know before you do.

PayPal to: [email protected] or [email protected]

Venmo to: @Larry-Eiffert

REMEMBER TO CHOSE FRIENDS OR FAMILY SO THERE ISN'T A FEE. Any fees will be deducted from your winnings.

Looking forward to another great season of THE Weekly Football Pool!

The Commish

Week 21 Conference Playoff recap and TWFP 2022 Final Results

Well folks, put a bow on it for THE Weekly Football Pool 2022! Seems like we just started last week, and it's over already.
In the final week of the season we had nine people pick both games correctly scoring 19 points. Last year it was seven.
The total points scored in Week 21 were 81, 7 points less than last year and 11 less than the O/U line.

Taking 1st place with the closest tie breaker of 76 was Jeremy DDS. I thought he would regret such a low TB number, but look who's "smiling" now? That's his second first place this year and fourth time landing in the ca$hi$h. Taking 2nd place with a TB of 89 was Jay J. No stranger to the winners circle either, he tied for first in Week 1 and took 1st in Week 17 also. It's been a good year for him. 3rd place went to Sean with 92 getting his second mention. And 4th place was a tie between Steve F and Victor with 93. Honorable mention went to Craig, Jared, Nate and Pam for getting both games correct. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

*Right here I really wanted to go back and do a build up to the overall finale, but time and circumstance hasn't allowed it. It's all good, mostly, just my time has been spread thin.

So with no further adieu, here's the final results for TWFP 2022.......................

Taking first place by a mere 2 points, claiming the title of TWFP Champion for 2022, winning the big pot of caShiSh and taking home the coveted 2022 Champs Trophy is Steve Farrioullo!!!! Jake FSF was looking good in the last five or six weeks of the season, but as can happen in the playoff weeks with less games to pick from, he wasn't able to hold the lead. Steve managed to climb from out of the top five in Week 14, to being our Big Winner! The trophy ceremony was held last week at Top Golf in Ontario.(pic Leo, Steve, YT) He said, and I quote, "The Honey is fine, but this is really cool"! Congratulations to Steve!

Jake FSF had a great season taking home some ca$hi$h in four of the regular weeks and ending in 2nd place overall by two measly points? What's that quote by Crash Davis in Bull Durham, “You know what the difference between taking 1st and 2nd in TWFP is? It’s 3 points! One more correct pick out of 192 games, just 3 points, OK? There’s five months in a season. That’s 21 weeks. That means if you get just one extra yard a week, just one catch, a INT, a fumble — a fumble with eyes! — you get a tipped ball or just one more field goal through the uprights, and you win it all".

Taking 3rd place was Dr. Kevin T who had the lead after week 15 and ended up with his best season yet. 4th place went to David K who also showed signs of greatness and had a good finish to go with it. And getting back to her winning ways, Anna capped off the season taking 5th place. And this year's boobie prize for being last goes to Hector.


Hope everyone had a good time. I wish we could all take home a slice of the pie, but like they say, sometimes you're the wheel, and sometimes you're the road. Better luck to you next year.

Good job to you all for getting your picks in on time. And as always, a YUGE thank you to my Steven for maintaining the website and creating our winners trophy.

We are doing the Big Game pool this year so if you want IN, send me $20, your winning team and winning score before kickoff on Sunday.

Until next season, Everyone stay warm and God Bless America!

Larry E

Manifesto of manifestos.................

Parts is Parts and Props is Props and everybody should get theirs so here goes....................

Week 15 went to Kris with 43 points. It was her first 1st place since week 13 of the 2020 season. That year she had three first places and a tie for fourth. She raked it in for sure. 2nd place was a three way tie with Jake, Jared and Mike D all with 42. Ruben and Terrence tied for 5th with 40. And honorable mention went to Rudy.

In Week 16 Chon finally ended his dry spell going back to Week 17 of the 2017 season, taking 1st place with 43 points. That was his second mention this year. 2nd place was a log jam four way tie between Leo, Ruben, Rudy and Steve F all with 40 points. Honorable mention went to Steve G with 38.

Week 17 was put on hold until they could determine if the outcome mattered or not. With the Buffalo vs Cincinnati game being canceled, Jay J was the 1st place winner with 46 points. AdriaNNa took 2nd just a point behind with 45. And Kris, Jared and Victor were 3rd, 4th and 5th with 40, 39 and 38 points. Honorable mention was Nate just a point behind with 37.

In the final week of the regular season, Terence V took 1st place with a good score of 48 points, getting his fourth mention of the year. AdriaNNa again was in 2nd place with 46. Sister Joy was 3rd with 45. And Mike D and Yours Truly tied for 5th with 44. Honorable mention went to David K and Rory at 41.

In the Wild Card Playoff week, Rick took 1st place with 33 points picking the right four of six games correct. 2nd place went to Week 18 winner Terrence V with 32. Taking 3rd with 31 and getting her first mention of the year was Doodles. By way of his closer tie breaker and score of 29, Kevin T took 4th and Jose C took 5th. Honorable mention was Sam K just a point off at 28.

In the Divisional Playoff Week, with only four games being played, things tightened up a bit. Five people got all four games correct with 34 points, and the tie breaker determined the placements. The bookies were way off this year and the total points were only 160. Taking 1st place with his TB of 189 was Carson and his second dip in the ca$hi$h this year. taking 2nd with 209 was Hector. 3rd place went to Sister Joy with 210. Yours Truly took 4th with 211. And Eddie C came in 5th with 219. And honorable mention went to David K with 27 point and the closest TB. CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS!

The overall points race and final results will follow in a separate email.
