Week 1 results

And just like that Week 1 is done and on the books.

A lot of surprises in the first week, but not to our winner. She's had one win every year since she's been in the pool since 2018, two in 2021, and she won it all in 2019. And it looks like we have our first Family affair with the Torres/Thacker clan going 1-2-3.

So keeping with her winning ways and off to a great start, Jocelyn takes the first 1st place of 2023 with a good score of 43. In 2nd place is her son Jared just a point off the pace at 42 and 3rd went to Sister Joy with 40. Does anyone have the number of their bookie? Taking 4th place and off to a good start also is our 2022 Champion Steve F with 38. And in his first week of the pool, one of our rookies Efrain takes 5th with 37. Honorable mention goes to Chris M. CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS!

So a little catching up to do with greetings, let's all welcome back to the pool one of our recruiters Romy, and to our very own 007, James B(ond). And an official welcome to Phat and Big T(Cliff). When he told me he wanted to be "Big T", I wasn't sure about it since we all just use our names and not pseudonyms like the public leagues and such. So here's the challenge, if he finishes in the top five this year, he gets to keep Big T and will be our first and only. Is that fair?

Just a reminder, we allow people to get in the pool up until Week 4. They still have to pay the full $125 and they get the average score for the three weeks they weren't in to keep them in the running for the overall. Some of us would be happy to take that deal after week one. SO, if you have anyone else that wants IN, have them email me and say the two magic words, I'M IN!

Alrighty then, the pick sheet will be out tomorrow.

Larry E

Login and Password

Alrighty everyone,

Today's the big kickoff day, the start of the best of the five seasons!

If you have an initial by your name and have any trouble logging in, try putting a space between your name and your initial. If that's not it, be sure to let me know right away so we can get you hooked up.

Today we are at 58-60 players. I'm still waiting for 100% confirmation from Gary M and Mark P if they are going to be IN with the IN crowd or not. Our old friend Romy Ablao emailed yesterday that he might have two more players that want in, so we could get to 62. That being said, let's all welcome two more new players to the water, Big T(more on that later) and another, Jared L. Thank You for your contribution!

We will have five payouts this year. The weekly winner wll get $125 duckets, and the rest of the ca$i$h dished out accordingly. The overall winner and Champion of TWFP 2023 gets $500(atrotcdoa), but more importantly, they get the 2023 Champions trophy to put on their mantle with life's other great accomplishments!

If you have anyone else that wants to jump in the pool, tell them to send ca$i$h and an email, and I'll sign them up.

If you're getting this email, but you are OUT this year, please send me a reply and just say I'm OUT. It's no biggie, just want to be sure and stop harassing you.lol.

Just a reminder, you DON'T have to make all your picks before the start of the Thursday games, but they must be done by kickoff of the Sunday game(s). Pro Tip: You can flip your pick and points around as long as the game(s) hasn't started.

Okay, the Commish is feeling as confident as LSU was before the ass whipping by FSU, so I'm hoping for a better start than my college team.

Second place luck to you all this season,

Larry E

TWFP 2023

Okay then,

We are inside of one week till the start of TWFP 2023!

I suggest everyone try to log into the website to avoid the mad rush.

Your Login is: Your name

Your Password is: Your Zip code

or mine, 92807 if I haven't set yours yet, or if I had to change it last year to fix picks.

Let's all welcome some new players to TWFP with a hardy Good Luck to Julian friend of Craig, and Matt D, Scott B and maybe Mark P. The latter three come from the SCBL fantasy baseball league. Counting Kevin Q and yours truly, that makes half of the SCBL part of TWFP. Mark hasn't said the magic word yet, but I have a good feeling about it. We thank you all in advance for your donation. : )

Just a reminder to Pay your Pal or use the Vendmo machine by the start of the season.

Still a handful of people who haven't replied or said they are IN. So if you haven't replied I'M IN, and you are going to be IN with the IN crowd, let me know. If not, take care and if you're having remorse once the season starts, you can still get in up until week 4. The cost is still $125 and you get the average points for the weeks you missed.

P.S. The spreads will be set on the site and pick sheet sent out on Tuesday.

P.S.S. I updated the Rules on the Home page.

Any questions send me an email or text.

The Commish
