Week 9 recap

Alrighty then, Week 9 was our lowest scoring week of the year, but none the less, somebody's gotta win and this time it was Rick taking 1st place with 36 points. This is his first time in the pay dirt this year and second time in 12 weeks, going back to last years win in the Divisional playoff week. 2nd place went to Roger with 35, who almost had his second win of the year, but thank to Ray-Ray, his hopes were fumbled away and the Steelers didn't cover the spread. 3rd place was a three way at 34 tie between AdriaNNa, Carson and Rory. This is Rory's first mention this year, AdriaNNa's second, and this makes two weeks in a row for Carson and helped him move up in the standings. Honorable mention is a log jam with 33 points between Chris C, Jeremy, Pam, Randi and Theresa. Whew! CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the overall points race for the championship, Jose C takes over the top spot for the first time ever I think? And it wasn't because of the Cowboys.lol Gary T drops one spot to second after two weeks on top. Last years champ Mike M moves up one slot into third, Jozlyn drops two to fourth, and Jared M stays in fifth all by himself. Still just off the pace is Jay J.

Okay we start Week 10 of TWFP in about 10 minutes and I'm going with the home team Fish as my 1 pointer.

Second place luck to you all this week.

Larry E.

Week 8 recap

Getting this out real late this week, the Commish has been active with things. I set the spreads on the website this morning, so if you've made your picks already, you are good to go.

Sunday was sure a roller coaster with lots of lead changes in the Cincy@Jets and Tenn@Indy games. Without looking, who knows what college team(s) Jets QB Mike White played for? I coulda been a contenda if it wasn't for that guy.lol And where was the Tennessee defense that shut down KC the week before? Both games did me in.

Alrighty then, our week eight winner came out of nowhere on Sunday night with his 10 pointer, and his team finally did him right. Taking 1st place and getting his first win of the year was Jose C with a strong score of 49. He picks the Cowboys every week as his ten pointer and it paid off this time. One guy used to do that with the Saints and he fared pretty well back in the day. In 2nd place was Rudy with 46, getting his first mention of the year. It looked like he was going to take home the bacon after the days games, but you never know what might happen on Sunday or Monday night, and that was the case for him. 3rd place went to Carson with 45, just a point behind and his first mention this year too. 4th place was a tie with 42 between the other half of the newlywed couple Doodles, and Pedro FP who is quietly having a good year and in striking distance of the leaders. Honorable mention goes to the oft mentioned Jozlyn, who just got back from her winning trip to Greece. CONGRATS TO THIS WEEKS WINNERS!

The overall points race and chance to be crowned Champ of TWFP 2021 is starting to tighten up. Gary T stays in the lead for another week, Jozlyn moves up a notch into 2nd. By way of his big win, Jose C joins the top group in 3rd, and Jared M drops two spots into a tie for 4th with Mike M. Just off the pace is Jay J.

It's still anybody's title to win, but it would take a near perfect showing the rest of the way for anyone with less than 200 points. The winning score will come in somewhere around 625-650 with the extra week of games, but that still leaves a lot of opportunity with 13 weeks to go.

For the rest of us, there's still lot's of games to be played, and A LOT of cashish to be gotten along the way. So sharpen up your pencils and as they say, Pick Em Good!

Best of luck to everybody this week, especially yours truly.

The pick sheet will follow.

The Commish

Week 7 recap

HOT HOT HOT!!! That's how the Week 7 winner Gary T is feeling after finishing in 1st place for the third time this year. A feat accomplished only twice before, in 2013 by Larry B, and last year 2020 by Kris. And he did it in the first seven weeks of the season, something that's never happened either.

Taking 2nd place with 42 was Cris E, getting his name in lights for the first time this year. 3rd place was a tie with 41 between Mike H, his first trip to the well, and Hector, making it two weeks in a row for him. And we had a three way tie for 5th between Kris, Jared, and Jeremy, all with 40 points. Honorable mention goes to Bill and Joe just a point out. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the overall points race, Gary T by way of his impressive third win takes over 1st place, moving up two into the top spot. Jared M moves up three places to 2nd. Jozlyn drops two notches down to 3rd. Mike M maintains 4th, and Jay J joins the party in 5th place. Just off the pace is Hector.

Hard to believe we are a third of the way through the season already. Some of us are just getting out of bed so to speak. But, there's still 14 weeks left and lots of chances to take home some cashish and maybe win it all. Like I always say, you just gotta Pick Em' Good!

Okay, the pick sheet will follow.

The Commish
