Week 6 recap

Well Well Well we have our first perfect score of the year! Not an easy task and no matter which way the Monday night game went, someone was going to be perfect. We had another week of high scores so I think some of us are getting in the groove.

Sooooo CONGRATS to Jozlyn going 10 for 10 and scoring a perfect 55! Looks like the 2019 Champ is making another run this year. She was so excited about the possibility, she emailed me Sunday night from Greece just to be sure she was seeing it right on her phone. I think they are still on analog over there? Come Tuesday morning, I'm sure a lot of Greeks have now heard about TWFP.lol Way to go girl!

And not to be lost in the excitement, her neighbor and first year player Eric B had a pretty good finish too, coming in 2nd with 49 points. That's his highest score so far and first mention of his TWFP career. The other guy who almost had a perfect score, hitting 9 of 10 was Hector who finished in 3rd with 47 and his first placement of 2021. The Bills let me down too. : ( 4th place went to Jay J just a point behind with 46, making it two weeks in a row that he's finished in the cashish. And one point behind him at 46 was Jeremy J in 5th. Honorable mention went to the winner's son Jared, Sister Joy and the other Jeremy L. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the race for TWFP title and overall points winner, no surprise Jozlyn takes over the top spot. Jake FSF moves up one spot into 2nd. Gary T also moves up one to 3rd. Mike M drops down to 4th, as does the other Jared M down to 5th.

There's twelve weeks to go so it's still anyone's prize to win. And lot's of cashish to be gotten along the way, you just gotta Pick Em Good!

The Week 7 pick sheet will follow.

Larry E

Week 5 recap

Alrighty then, Week 5 gave us our second tie of the year, and the highest weekly scores so far.

Tying for 1st place with the best score yet was Bruin Bill, and newlywed(to Doodles) Gary T, both with 51 points. This is Bill's first win in a couple of years so he was due. And Gary's second in three weeks after taking a year off, so he's getting back into the groove nicely.

3rd place went to first year player Jay J with 48. He would have taken first if Baltimore had lived up to their billing. In 4th place with 46 was the other, Kevin Q, getting his first mention of the year. And 5th place went to another first year player David K. Honorable mention goes to Sister Joy and Kevin T. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the overall points race, Mike M takes over first place, Jared M moves up two spots to second. Jake FSF drops two spots to third. Gary T by way of his 1st place finish joins the top group in 4th, as well, so does Brian F in 5th. Just a point of the pace is Jozlyn.

This weeks pro tip: Go back and delete every email you've ever sent to your friends in the past 20 years.

Spreads are set and the pick sheet will follow.

Larry E

Week 4 recap

This is getting out a little late. The Commish has been busy.

Our Week 4 winner is our own 007, James Bond coming in with 41 points. This is his first time in the honey and a good start for one of our first year players. Taking 2nd just a point behind with 40 was Steve F, who always seems to be in the hunt. In 3rd place with 39 is last years Champ, Mike M who is off to another consistent season. 4th place at 38 was Dr. Kevin T getting his first mention this year. And 5th place is a tie between Jake FSF and Jeff from Palmdale, both with 37. Honorable mention goes to Antonio and Pedro FP just one point out at 36. Interesting this week, all of the placements were separated by only one point. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total, Jake FSF remains in the lead spot for another week. Last years Champ Mike M moves up into the top group in 2nd place. Jozlyn stays in 3rd, Jared M drop two spots to 4th, and Rudy has 5th place all to himself. Just off the pace is Joe.

Okay we are set with 58 players for 2021. The Pool is now closed to new entrants. We didn't get to 60, but I've decided to spread the wealth and pay out five spots anyway. The weekly amounts will be $125, $75, $50, $25 and $15. And the overall amounts will be $500, $300, $200, $100 and $60.

All checks will be deposited this week and winners paid through week four.

Everyone is doing a great job getting your picks in on time. THANKS!

The Week 5 pick sheet will follow in a separate email.

Good luck to everyone the rest of the way,

Larry E.
