Week 19 Divisional results

Okay then, nineteen weeks on the books and one to go. This year just like last year, week we had four people go 4 for 4, JakeFSF, Kevin T, Randi and Rick, all with 34 of course. Total points was 159, down 51 from 2020.

The closest to 159 and taking 1st place with his tie breaker of 174 was Rick. Not his first time cashing this year but his first 1st place. Taking 2nd and adding more to her coffers for this season was Randi with a TB of 207. In 3rd by three points was Jake FSF at 210. And two points off was Kevin T with 212. That's two weeks in a row in 4th for him. Five people end up with 27 but only one can get honorable mention and that goes to Jozlyn with her TB of 180. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points race and to be crowned TWFP Champ for 2020, the top three stays the same. Mike M maintains his lead and goes into the final week in 1st. Cris has closed the gap and remains in 2nd. AdriaNNna keeps a grip on 3rd, but has a challenge from her other half Steve F who moves up into the top group in 4th.

One of the top four is going to be the Champ, and with only 19 points in play, only Rick, Sam K and Timmy FLV still have a chance to finish in the top group. For the rest of us, it's one last chance to win cashish for this season and better luck next year. It will be fun to watch as usual.

The pick sheet will be out on Friday. There's only two games to play this week for 10 and 9 points, both on Sunday. By now everyone has the hang of emailing or texting your tiebreaker.

All I can say for the Aint's is they ain't there again.

Larry E.

Week 18 WCP playoff results

Well I kind of liked the new six game wild card playoff. With three games each day, it made it feel more like a regular game day.

The final total of all games was 303. Last year it was 146. The average was 50.5 this year vs 36.5 last year. The final scores were higher than the over/under line for a change. The past few years the final scores were dropping on the wild card week.

Alrighty then, three people were perfect last week with 30 points. Taking 1st place with the closest tiebreaker of 287 was first year player Pedro. He tied for 2nd in week two, so it's been a good rookie year for him. In 2nd place was the same guy that took 2nd place last year, Antonio with a TB of 267. I think that's a first. 3rd place went to Pam with a TB of 245. In 4th with 29 points and taking 4th with his TB of 279 was Jake FSF, edging out Todd who also had 29 points. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the race for the overall points total and the crown of TWFP Champion for 2020, Mike M stays in the top spot with a 12 point lead. Cris E moves up to 2nd. Adrianna drops a spot to 3rd, and Timmy FLV remains in 4th. These last two weeks get really interesting and can make or break it for you. Good luck to everyone with a shot.

The spreads and pick sheet will be out Friday morning. Kickoff for the first game on Saturday is 1:35pst, 3:35cst. Going to be a cold one in Green Bay, but nothing like the 8:15est night game in Buffalo. THAT is going to be cold!

Be sure to get your pick(s) in by the start of the first game. AND DON'T FORGET TO SEND ME YOUR TIE BREAKER.

