Week 12 results

Alrighty then, this is about as late as you can get without making it a two-fer. It was so long ago, seems like it was last week.lol

Taking 1st place in Week 12 was Hector with 43 points. He's been close a couple of times already, and was finally able to seal the deal. In 2nd place was our Week 2 winner AdriaNNa with 42 who is have a nice year again. 3rd place went to the only one who was 3 for 3 on Turkey Day, Chon with 41 points. He's another one who has been close a few times and finally got into the cashish this year. Landing in 4th place with 40 points was the guy who has been mentioned frequently this year Jake FSF, and 5th place was a tie at 39 between Nancy and Larry A, both earning enough for a cup of Joe at Starbucks. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

Speaking of the J's, in the race to be the overall champion and win that trophy again, the 2015 champ Jake FSF moves up two and takes over the top spot. Dropping one slot to 2nd is Jared M. Also dropping one into 3rd is Jose C. Finally moving back into the top five after being just off the pace for five weeks is Jay J in 4th. And joining the top five in 5th was Chon. Just off the pace is Gary T.

Okay, a lot of people got a nice jump with Dallas hitting their 10 pointers on Thursday, with Jared, Jared M, Jay J, Jose C and Jozlyn leading the way. Say What? That's crazy!

I think Doodles was right, the secret to winning this year might be the letter "J" in your name. Does anyone remember Raymond J. Johnson?

Good luck to everyone in Week 13,

Jarry E.

Week 11 recap EDITED


Well this is getting out late, but just in time for today's Turkey Day Bowl games.

There was a good chance last week that if your name started with a "J", you might end up winning something. Seemed like they had a lock on the top five. I even got a text from Doodle's on Sunday afternoon, asking if she needed to change her name to "Joodles" so she could have a chance at winning something.lol

And taking 1st place was Craig "J" with an impressive 51 points and getting his name in lights for the first time this season. He used a new strategy for picking games, and I think it paid off. Let's see if it works for him the rest of the way. In 2nd place just one point behind was one of the J's, Jared M and his strong score of 50. He's having a good first year in TWFP. 3rd place went to another J, Joe F with 47 points and his third time in the cashish the year. Finally making some noise and taking 4th place with 46 was our webmaster Steven. And 5th place was a tie between "Joodles" and yours truly "Jarry E" with 43. Honorable mention went to our other Jared. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

And in the race for the overall points total, are you ready for this, Jared M takes over the top spot, moving up two places. Jose C drops one into second. Jake FSF moves down one slot to third. Gary T remains in fourth and Joe F joins the leaders in fifth. Still just off the pace is Jay J. Nine of the top 12 peoples names start with J, so there must be something cosmic going on here?

Okay so everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and second place luck to you all,

Jarry E

Week 10 results

Well we are almost halfway through the season already with the start of Week 11. Just a reminder for everyone that we now play 21 weeks through the playoffs, 18+3, so there's still plenty of time turn it around and be the champion. You just gotta "Pick em' Good" the rest of the way Brett.lol

The Week 10 winner is no stranger to the winners circle. He joined the pool in 2016 and has taken first at least one week every year he's been in. So taking 1st this place week is one of the Steve's, Steve F with 46 points. He almost broke 50, but the "Chefs" were cooking on Sunday night and were too much for the Raidas. Either way he had the win locked up, so MNF was for 2nd place.

And taking 2nd just a point behind with 45 was Jake FSF who has had his name in lights a few times already this year. 3rd place went to last weeks winner Rick with 42. In 4th place with 41 was the Week 8 winner Jose C, and 5th went to Eric B with 40, his second dip in the honey this year. Honorable mention was to Antonio. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the overall points race to be the 2021 Champ, Jose C remains in the top spot for another week. Jake FSF leapfrogs into the top group in 2nd. Jared M moves up two slots to 3rd, Gary T drops two into 4th, and Jozlyn one to 5th. Still just off the pace is Jay J.

The pick sheet will follow.

Larry E.
