Week 20 recap and 2018 Final results

Well ladies and gents, THE Weekly Football Pool is a wrap for the 2018 season.

Couple of corrections for yesterday, one effects the weekly outcome, the other has no bearing. My laptop battery went kaput right after the first game started and I had no charger with me, so I couldn't do anything till I got home. But with the debacle that happened in the first game, I wasn't any kind of a mood for football.

So, ChrisC had picked the Rams but flubbed and gave them 0 instead of 10 points. Given that he only had one choice, as the Pats were his 9, he gets the 10 points for that game and is one of the people who got both games correct. Any other week he would have been SOL. The scores on the website have been corrected and reflect the final totals.

The other was Chon's tie breaker which I entered as 110, but it should have been 118. It's a moot point since he only got one game correct, but I like to keep things on the up and up.

We had seven people get both games correct. Last year we had eleven. The total points for both games came in at 117. Our CON week 20 winner Randi had it right on the number and takes 1st place all by her lonesome. Her first, 1st place this year and third time in the honey.

Taking 2nd place with his TB of 123, -6 was ChricC, his second mention of the year. 3rd place with a TB of 110, -7 was CrisE., his second in two weeks and fourth time this year in the DOH! 4th place went to Joe with 107, -10, his second mention, and for the consolation prize we had a tie between Kris and Craig with 90, -27. Honorable mention goes to Joy just one stinking point off at -28. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

And with the most total overall points of 600, The Champion of THE Weekly Football Pool 2018 is Mike M! He took over the top spot in week fourteen and had it locked up by week 19. Congrats on a great season MikeM!

Taking 2nd place was a new comer to the pool, Kris. She got back into the top five last week and had a perfect week 20 to finish as runner up.

Taking 3rd this year is the husband and wife team of Barbara & Ben and their first top five finish in TWFP.. 4th place went to last years 3rd place winner, Cris E. He had two good weeks in a row to propel him in to the final ca$hi$h. And taking 5th place spot was the often mention Joy. She was honorable mention last year. This years honorable mention goes to our 2015 Champ, JakeFSF, just one stinking point out of placing. Shows how important the one point game can be after 20 weeks. CONGRATS AGAIN TO ALL THE WINNERS!!!!!

Good job everyone getting yours picks in and making the job even easier AGAIN this year. And a YUGE thanks to my son Steven for maintaining the website and keeping things running so smoothly. I would be lost without him.

I hope everybody had a good NFL season in spite of the player nonsense again, and a fun time in TWFP 2018. Thanks to ALL for the props! Hopefully you all return next year. If you have anyone that might want in TWFP 2019, have them send me an email and I will add them to the list for the announcement.

Enjoy the big game in two weeks. I will be on an island somewhere, anywhere, with no contact to the outside world. And get your picks ready, the first game of the 2019 season is in 227 days. After some hou$e keeping, the final checks will go out in a week.

F Dat,

Larry E.

Week 19 DIV results

How bout dem Saints! Bring on the Lambs. This coming week reminds me of the good ole days of the NFC West.

This week we have a tie for 1st place between Cris and Rodney with 34, both a perfect 4 for 4 and with the same tie breaker of 200. Last year only one person got all four games correct so we've improved.lol

In 3rd place was Nate with 27. Maybe not perfect, but good enough to have it all to himself. By way of his 187 tie breaker, 4th place goes to Romy with 26. And the consolation prize goes to Joy with 26 and her 144. Honorable mention goes to SteveF. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total and crown of TWFP Champ for 2018, Mike Mantarro already has it locked up with a 36 point lead.WOW! With only 19 points in play, the battle is still on for the top four spots. JakeFSF is in 2nd with a four point lead. Barbara and Ben move up into the top group in 3rd. Jeremy drops down a spot to 4th, and Kris comes up to 5th. Everyone with 523 or better still has a shot at placing, so best of luck to you all.

The pick sheet will be out on Thursday night. There's only two games to play this week for 10 and 9 points. By now everyone has the hang of EMAILing or texting your TIEBREAKER so this will be the only mention.


Larry E.

Week 18 WCP results

What a crazy finish to the games today. Both home teams had the ball last with the chance for a come from behind win. But the Chargers and Eagles got the breaks and move on to next week.

Alright then, five people were perfect this week in TWFP with 34 points making it easy to figure the winners. I think a lot of people went with the over/under line for their TB, but just like last year, the total came in well under.

The final total of all games was 145. Taking 1st place with the closest tiebreaker of 165 was Todd. His first 1st place this year and first mention of the year. In 2nd place was Richard with 170, also his first mention of the year. 3rd place went to Antonio just a point behind Richard with 171. JakeFSF took 4th with 177 and the consolation prize went JoseC with 185. Honorable mention goes to Pam with 27 points and a TB of 140. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

Had Chicago covered, the winners would have been Roger, Allan, ChrisM, Jordan and ChrisC.

In the race for the overall points total and crown of TWFP Champion for 2018, the top five stays the same for another week. MikeM is still in the lead by 25, but the race has tightened up some. JakeFSF moves up to the 2nd spot. Jeremy remains in 3rd position. KevinT move up to 4th, and SamK drops to 5th. The next two weeks will be fun to watch. I will send out the pick sheet on Wednesday night this week. Thursday might have been cutting it a little close for some with the tie breakers.

I still need to enter the games for some players, but it has no effect on this weeks results.

Just to clarify once more, TIES GO TO THE FAVORITE IN TWFP. We don't have pushes like Las Vegas.

Have a good week and happy Carnival season.


