Week 12 results

Alrighty then, our Week 12 winner is first year player Terence with 43 points, outlasting the field for his first win and mention in TWFP. Taking 2nd with 41 is Craig and his first mention of the year also. Finally getting his name in lights too is Rick in 3rd with 38. And we have a log jam for 4th between Carson, Jozlyn, Kevin T and Todd all with 37. Honorable mention goes to Gary just a point out. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall total and title, Jozlyn ain't giving up without a fight and stretches her lead back to 30+ over Jeremy. Adrianna and Sister Joy are tied for 3rd, and Todd take Romans place in 5th.

Still a lot of cashish to be gotten in the next eight weeks, and anyone with 300 or more still has a shot at the overall, you just gotta pick em good.

We have the three games on Turkey Day, so I will get the pick sheet out early on Wednesday for the office people. The bye weeks are done thank goodness, so we're back to a full slate of 16 games the rest of the way, which always make it more challenging.

Saints had a nail biter on Sunday. I hate the "lawyer" rules taking over the game. Some day past my time the NFL will probably be more like a game show with the home audience voting on every play from their smart implants. OY VEY!

Looks like the road to the Super Bowl is going through Baltimore this year in the AFC. Ravens and Saints will be an awesome game in Miami.