Week 13 14 and 15

Alrighty then we have our first three-fer in TWFP.....

Our week 13 winner was Timmy from Las Vegas with 49, his first mention of the year. His Bears got him off to a good start while he was in New Orleans on Turkey Day, and the Saints karma did the rest, getting him out of town before the literal shoot out started in the Bayou Bowl. 2nd place went to Allan with 43, his first of the year also. 3rd went to Kevin Q his first mention also but it could have been better.=-O And 4th was a tie between Gary and Jeff with 41. HM went to Andrew and Cris.

Matt was our week 14 winner with 47, his first of the year. We had a tie for 2nd between Bruin Bill, another first, and the fore mentioned Timmy FLV with with 46. 4th was a log jam between Chon, Richard, Roman and Terence all with 45. HM went to Alex just a point off the pace.

Taking 1st place this week and his second 1st place of the year is Mike L with a near perfect 53 points, thanks to his 9 pointer being the Saints on MNF. In 2nd place is the husband and wife team of Christina and Todd with a strong 50 points, their first of the year also. 3rd goes to Craig with 47, Kris with 46, and the consolation prize to Adrianna with 45. Honorable mention goes to Chon so close with his 10 pointer on the Saints. CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS!

For the overall point total not a lot has changed, Jozlyn is holding tight to her grip on 1st place, as is Jeremy to 2nd place. Adrianna has 3rd to herself with Roman moving back into the top group in 4th, and sister Joy in 5th. Quite a few people in striking distance of the top five with five weeks to go, so it's still anybody's game. You just gotta pick em gooder.

Two more weeks left to the regular season and then we get to the playoffs and tie breakers. More on that when I send out the pick sheet.


Larry E