Week 20 recap and 2019 final results

Alrighty then, watching the NFL Flag Football League from Orlando and a good time to get this out before the Super Bowl.

Twenty people got both games right in the final week. That's a lot, but not as many as 2016 when 21 people had them both correct. Last year there were only seven.

Total points scored were 116, about 20 higher than the O/U. Taking 1st place in week 20 with the closest tie breaker was Sammy K and his 122. Just a point off with 123 taking 2nd was Chris C. 3rd place went to Jozlyn with 104. 4th was Cris E with 103 and 5th to Todd with 101. Honorable mentions were too many to mention.

A little correction from week 19, 5th place was actually Justin who had a closer TB then Brian. Update your score cards.lol

So with the most total overall points of 632, and The Champion of THE Weekly Football Pool 2019 is Jozlyn!!!!! She was in 1st almost every week but #1. She was tied by SteveF in week six, but had it all to herself the rest of the way.

Taking 2nd place was Jeremy who put up a good fight till the end but couldn't close the gap. 3rd place went to Brian F. He was in and out of the top group all season and might have gotten up to 2nd place for a week.

4th went to Todd who came on strong the last few weeks, and 5th went to Adrianna. This years honorable mention goes to Steve G who was oh so close on a few occasions. CONGRATS AGAIN TO ALL THE WINNERS!!!!!

Good job everyone getting yours picks in and making the job even easier AGAIN this year. And a YUGE thanks to my son Steven for maintaining the website and keeping things running so smoothly.

Hope everybody had a good NFL season and a fun time in TWFP 2019.

Enjoy the big game next week. I predict the red team will win the Super Bowl.

Larry E.

Week 19 results

This week we had four people go 4 for 4, Geoff, Jeff, Jeremy and MikeH all with a score of 34. Total points was 210

The closest to and taking 1st place with a tie breaker of 188 was Jeff. Not his first time cashing this year but his first 1st. Taking 2nd and finally getting in on the action this year was Mike H and his TB of 178. In 3rd by one measely point was Jeremy. And taking a distant 4th with a TB of 144 was the other Geoff.

And we had four people end up with 27 but only one could take the consolation prize, and that was Brian with his TB of 178. Honorable mention goes to Anna, Eddie and Justin. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total and crown of TWFP Champ for 2019, the top five remains the same going into the final week, plus Todd. Jozlyn is still in the lead but only by 5 points. Jeremy closed the gap this week and could take it all in the final week. Brian remains in 3rd followed by Adrianna in 4th. And Sister Joy and Todd are tied for 5th. Roman and SteveG both have a shot at cracking the top five. Everybody else, better luck next year.

The pick sheet will be out on Thursday night. There's only two games to play this week for 10 and 9 points. By now everyone has the hang of EMAILING or texting your TIEBREAKER so this will be the only time it's mentioned.

Geaux Tigers,

Larry E.

Week 18 results

Screwed again by a blind ref. Turns out he's from Minnesota and a Vikings fan..........

Alright then, two people were perfect last week in TWFP with 34 points. I think a lot of people went with the over/under line for their tiebreaker again, but just like last year and the year before, the total came in well under.

The final total of all games was 146. last year it was 145. (clip and save) Taking 1st place with the closest tiebreaker of 192 was Kris, her first, 1st place this year but certainly not her first mention. In 2nd place was Antonio with 194, his second, 2nd place of the year. 3rd place went to Justin with 27 points, 4th to Brian just one point behind at 26, and the consolation prize went KevinQ with 24 and by way of his tie breaker. Honorable mention goes to Yours Truly and Matt with 24. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the race for the overall points total and crown of TWFP Champion for 2019, the top five stays the same for another week. Jozlyn is still in the lead by 14, but the race has tightened up. Jeremy remains in 2nd place, Brian has moved up to 3rd. Sister Joy moves down to 4th and Adrianna is in 5th. Anyone with 502 or better has a chance to land in the top five. And those with 536 or better have a long shot at 1st. Of course it will take a perfect storm for them and a total collapse by others for that to happen. The next two weeks will be fun to watch.

The spreads are set and the pick sheet is attached. Get your picks in by the start of the games and, DON'T FORGET TO SEND ME YOUR TIE BREAKER.

