Week 5 continues and Week 6

Just another reminder, the Denver @ New England game is not listed because it is part of Week 5.

I will be traveling on Sunday so be sure to get your picks in before kick off of the first games. I may not be available to help if anyone needs it. If for any reason you can't do you picks on the website, email them to me before the start of the games and I will enter them later in the day. I will update the scores when I can.

Hopefully nothing goes down between now and Sunday with the Kung Flu and we don't have to change anything.

Rots a Ruck to everybody,

Rarry E.

Week 4 results

Our week four winner was AdriaNNa coming in with a strong 51 points! That's three out of the first four weeks the winner has had 50 or more points. Not too far behind was Randi at 48 helping make it a chick power week at #1 and #2. Taking 3rd for the second week in a row was Richard with 47. And 4th place goes to Rudy and Yours Truly with 44. Honorable mention goes to Justin at 41. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!:-$

In the overall points total, Richard and Yours Truly stay at 1 and 2 for another week, AdriaNNa moves up to 3rd with her big win and Theresa has 4th all to herself.

Okay we are set with 51 players for 2020. The Pool is closed to new entrants. The weekly payouts will be $120, $70, $60, and $15. And the overall amounts will be $500, $270, $200, and $50.

All checks will be deposited this week and winners paid through week four.

You are all doing a great job getting your picks in on time. THANKS!

The Week 5 pick sheet will be out tomorrow. Hopefully no cancelations.

Good luck to everyone the rest of the way,

Larry E.

Week 3 results.......

Alrighty then, we almost had our second perfect score of the season, but Baltimore mounted their comeback a little too late and it wasn't to be.

So tying for 1st place with almost perfect scores of 50 were Rory P and Steve G, both going 9 for 10 and missing their five pointer. Also going 9 for 10 was Richard who almost was perfect in the end, but finished in 3rd with 49. For a change we did not have a tie for 4th with Pam taking that spot all alone at 44. And honorable mention goes to Steve F just a couple of points off. A strong week by all that's for sure! CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!:-$

For the overall points total, the fore mentioned Richard charges into 1st place, Yours Truly moves up to 2nd, and Theresa remains in 4th, tied by Rory who joins the top group.

OK, this is the last week that anyone can get back in or join the pool. So if anyone is sitting the fence, this is their last chance. After this week the payouts will be finalized for 51 players and the cashish will start flowing.

Also, a few people still need to send their love letter or Pay their Pal.:-)

The Week 4 pick sheet is attached and the spreads are set on the website, so pick away.

Second place to you all this week,

Larry E.
