Week 14 Results | Week 15 Spreads

It's that exciting time of the year with seventeen straight days of football to watch. WOOHOO!

And the rich just keep getting richer... Taking 1st place last week, from The Woodlands of Texas was JoseC with 47 points. This is his second 1st place, and his third time cashing in. Not bad for his first year in TWFP.

In 2nd place was Danny Gonzo with 45 points. Another one having a good year with his third time in the cash. 3rd place went to MikeM with 41 points his first mention of the season. Dave took 4th place with 40, and his buddy JakeFSF got the consolation prize with 39. Honorable mention goes to Louie and Rory with 38. Second honorable mention to Don, Jack, Rick and Romy. Third honorable mention to Chon, Doodles, JakeT and Robert. 4th... okay enough of that. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total, the top five stayed the same, just the positions changed with SamK holding tight to 1st, Rory in 2nd, BrianF 3rd, Mr. Consistent Rudy in 4th and LarryA in 5th.

Alrighty then, best of luck to everyone this weekend, especially my Saints trying to cover 16 points.
