Week 4 Recap | Week 5 Spreads

We had our first three way tie for 1st place last week with Doodles, Jordan and Nancy all coming in at 46 points. A lot of people had the Minnesota game and I think it would have been a five way tie if the Giants had won. Tying for the consolation prize with 43 was Joy and RyanS. Honorable mention goes to Randi, just one point off at 42. The girls are strong this year. Congrats to all the winners!

For the overall points total we have a new leader with SteveF taking the top spot, Keith moves up to 2nd, Adrianna jumps up into the limelight at 3rd and our defending champ JakeFSF drops down to 4th. It's a tight race with only eight points separating the top four.

There's lots of football to be played, it's still anybody's game at this point so pick em good this week.

Okay the spreads are are set, let the picking begin.

Still not anything for sure on the hurricane games in Miami and Carolina, so pick them at your own risk.
