Week 1 spreads are set

Alrighty then here we go...................

The spreads are set on the website and the Week 1 pick sheet is attached and pasted, so pick away.

A note for all the first timers, the pick sheet is just a guideline, the website is the bible. So if I make a type-o, go with what's on the site unless I send out a correction.

A reminder, the Thursday and Friday game(s) are optional to play and ALL picks must be done before kickoff of the game(s). Some people like to do all their picks at once, and some like to wait until Sunday. What ever suits your fancy, just get them done before they lock or you will get zero points for that game. No excuses for sleeping in or the dog eating your pick sheet.

Once again, let's welcome all of our new players Dylan, Eddie (P), Jerry, Randy, and Sean. And let's welcome back to the water Antonio, Gary C, Jeff T and Sam K. We thank you all for your donation.lol

OK, first game is Thursday night Ravens @ the CHEFS. If you're playing that game, get your pick in before kickoff. And a reminder there is a Friday night game this year Packers @ the EAGLES.

If you're still on this email but have not replied, please let me know if you're out, or let me know you're going to be IN with the IN crowd.


Any questions, send me an email, text or message by carrier pigeon.

Second place luck to you all this season.

Larry E