Weekly results............................

Well I've been trying to get this out for three weeks now and keep getting distracted or deterred. But everybody's gotta get their props so here goes...................

Our Week 8 winner was Nancy Grace with 46 points. Her first 1st place since Week 16 of the 2016 season. She took a few years off from the pool to take care of some business, but she's back now! 2nd place was a tie with 43 between Mike M and Rudy, their first mentions of the year. And 4th was a tie between Jose C and Terence with 42, both no strangers to the ca$hi$h this season. Honorable mention went to Gary T.

Week 9 saw Timmy from Las Vegas get a commanding lead on Sunday with 44 points that was *untouchable even with everyone else winning their Sunday and Monday night games. 2nd place went to Kevin Q with 40 points, making it three out of four weeks that he's hit pay dirt. 3rd place was a tie between John and Kris at 38, his third and her first mentions of the year. And 5th was a tie between Anna and Yours Truly with 37. *When I changed my pick from Tennessee to KC right before Sunday night game, I ripped defeat from the hands of victory and would have taken first with 46. I coulda been a contenda! Honorable mention went to Richard and Rory both with 36.

Last week, Pam made it two out of three weeks for the chicks, taking 1st place with 45 points. That's her first win since Week 12 of her rookie season in 2014. She's done pretty good every year, but the top spot kept alluding her. Finally, the drought is over. Taking second was John with 42 points, his fourth time landing in the ca$hi$h this year and doing it two weeks in a row. 3rd place was a tie between AdriaNNa and Richard both with 41. And 5th place went to Joe with 40. Honorable mention went to Sister Joy at 39.

And it looks like chick power is making it's move. This week, Jozlyn takes 1st place with a good score of 48 points, getting her second mention of the year and making it three out of four weeks for the ladies. And Anna takes 2nd place with 42, getting her second mention of the year also. I guess they are tired of hearing the guys names so much.lol 3rd and 4th places go to our webmaster Steven with 38, and Brain F with 36, first time this season for both of them. And 5th is a tie at 35 between Jeremy and Larry A. Honorable mention goes to Pedro with 24.


For the overall points total, in Week 8, Rick took over the top spot from JakeFSF, trading places in 1st and 2nd. Kevin T, Jim K and David K remained in 3rd, 4th and 5th. Just off the pace was Terence V.

Week 9 saw JakeFSF claim 1st again, trading places with Rick who moved back to 2nd. And for another week it was Kevin T, Jim K and David K going 3, 4 and 5. Anna moved up to contention just off the pace in 6th.

In Week 10, it was deja vu with Rick and JakeFSF trading spots once again for 1st and 2nd. David K moved up two spots to 3rd. John moved up into the top group into 4th, as well as with Anna into a three way tie for 5th with Jim K and Kevin T. Just off the pace was Carson and Steve F.

And now, after all of the ballots have been harvested and counted, in the overall race for the trophy and title, we have a new leader at the top. For the first time in a long time, display her chick power, ANNA takes over 1st place, leap frogging everybody staking a claim to be Champ of TWFP 2022! WooHoo! Rick drops one slot into 2nd, along with JakeFSF dropping one into 3rd. John retains sole possession of 4th. Jim K and Kevin T do the same in a tie for 5th. And just off the pace this week is Pam.

Okay, that gets us all caught up. With Week 11 on the books we are now into the second half of our season. Still lots of football to be played and ca$hi$h to be won, and it only takes one week to break even. In the race for the title, I think everyone with 300 or better has a legitimate shot at being the champ. But, someone below that line could still pull it off. The secret is, you just gotta Pick Em Good.

Just a reminder, if anyone is using hotmail, they might not be getting my emails, so please send this to them if you can.

The pick sheet and spreads will be out first thing Wednesday morning.

The Commish