Week 2 results

Alrighty then Ladies and Germs,

Week two of the 2022 season is on the books and it's DeJa Vu sort of.

The same two guys who were 1st and 2nd in the final week of the 2021 season have done it again. Taking 1st place this week with a very good score of 48, and picking up right where he left off last year is the pride of The Woodlands, Jose C. And right there with him again, taking 2nd place just a point behind with 47 is the pride of Orange, Dr Kevin T. In the words of the late Huell Howser, "Why That's Amazin".

In 3rd place just a couple of points behind is Jake FSF with 45, his second week in a row in third. And that makes two weeks in a row he's landed in the ca$hi$h. 4th place went to Rick just a couple behind with 43 and 5th went to Jeremy with 41. Honorable mention goes to Cris and Sam K. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the overall points total it's DeJa Vu again as Jake FSF takes the early lead, just like last year. In 2nd and 3rd is the fore mention Dr. Kevin T and Rick. And 4th is a tie between Adriana with one N and Jeremy. Just off the pace is last year's Champ Jared M and Steve F.

I'm not really pushing, but if you have someone who wants to get in TWFP, they can join up until week 4. After that the field will be closed.

And hats off to everyone for getting your picks done on time too.

The pick sheet will be out Wednesday morning.

Larry E