Update 8.28.22

Good morning folks,

Google is giving me fits with my domains emailing to people with gmail.com They are requiring designated IP addresses for their security reasons. Thought it was partly fixed but I guess not. I think I figured out a work around until I can get it resolved.

Some people will get my emails from [email protected] and some from [email protected] Just reply to the email I send you and we should be good.

We still have a few things to set up the website, but we are almost there. You should all test your login if you haven't yet.

Username: Your name

Password: Your Zip Code

If yours doesn't work, use mine 92807 as the default. You can reset it to yours once you are logged in.

We are at 58 people as of today. Woo Hoo! I'm still waiting to hear from 6 others whether they are IN or not.

Everyone have a nice Sunday and stay tuned.

Larry E.