Week 2 recap

And just like that we are two weeks into the season already. And so far "Chick Power" is ruling the roost.

Taking 1st place this week with a strong score of 45 was Adrianna with two N's. She was third overall last year and had two first's along the way. She's off to a good start already and looks to continue her winning ways from 2020.

In 2nd place with 40 was the guy who had a perfect score of 55 in week one last year, and who is also off to a good start in 2021, Jake From State Farm. This makes two weeks in a row he's landed in the ca$hi$h. In 3rd place just one point behind with 39 was Sister Joy. 4th was a tie between first year player Jared M and second year player Pedro for President, both with 36. Honorable mention goes to John just a point off with 35. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total, Jake FSF takes the early lead, newcomer Jared M is one point behind in 2nd, and Jozlyn is just one behind him in 3rd. 4th place is a tie between Joe and Rudy.

I'm not really pushing, but if you have someone who wants to get in TWFP, they can join up until week 4. After that the field will be closed.

Thanks also goes to Randi who mentioned the incorrect score of the NE vs NYJ game. Usually someone will let me know on Sunday that there's an error in the scoring. You guys are slacking off.lol

And hats off to everyone for getting your picks done on time too. It's been uneventful so far and that's good for the Commish, even though it doesn't show in his weak scores.

OK then, tallyho and away we go! The pick sheet will be out tomorrow.
