THE Weekly Football Pool 2021

Hey Football Gang,

Getting this out late this year, but not as late as year. It looks like there is going to be a football season again, so we will have a football pool too.

THE website is not up and running yet so please wait until I give the all clear to test your log in, etc. Should be by this coming weekend.

THE Weekly Football Pool starts THREE weeks from Thursday on Sept 9th, with the Dallas Cowpokes @ the Super Bowl Champ Tom Brady Buccaneers.

As always, If you are staying in the pool this year, send me a reply saying "I'M IN!"

If you have any prospects that want to get in, forward this email to them and tell them to send an email to [email protected] saying who they are and that they are IN like Flint!

I've included the people who sat out last year on this email, just in case they have some stimulus money left over that they want to donate.

Once again this year, we will be using Pay Pal for those who want to pay their entry fee electronically. I still accept checks, cash or money order. USD lol

Attached are the Pool Memo and Rules. As I said, the website is not set up yet so wait till I give the all clear before trying to log on.

So if you are IN, send me a reply saying I'M IN.

Larry E.