Week 8 results

Taking 1st place this week with 47 and getting his first mention of the year was Steve F, via his pick of the Giants on Monday night. Only four people took them so that was YUGE! 2nd place went to Terrence with 40, also his first mention. 3rd place was a tie between Steve's wife AdriaNNa and Kris with 38, both no strangers to the win column this year. Honorable mention goes to Rick with 36. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total, AdriaNNa moves back up to 1st, JakeFSF moves up another spot to 2nd, Randi drops from 1st to 3rd, and Brett makes his move up to 4th. Just off the pace by way of his big win is Steve F.

Okay the pick will be out Wednesday morning.

Larry E