Commissioners opening address

OK everybody the 2020 season has begun. Here's to hoping it will finish too.

First thing, a YUGE thank you to my son Steven who built and maintains TWFP website for us, especially today on his 38th birthday. Happy Birthday Son!

So a big welcome back to all of the veterans to the 26th(?) annual version of TWFP. And let's give a warm welcome the new people in the water, a new Adriana with one N, a new Gary C, a new Jeff T, a new Jim K and just Jared. Good luck to you all and thanks again for your donation.

To those who opted out or any other newbies that want to join, we will allow entries up until week 4. They will have to pay the full $120 entry and will be given the league average points for the weeks they were not in.

They can still get in this week if it's before kickoff on Sunday.

So we have 48 entries and probably will get to 50+. Based on 48 players the weekly and overall payout will be four spots. If we get to 60 we will pay five spots.

$120, $60, $40 and $20 weekly and $500, $240, $160 and $60 overall. That will adjust if we add anymore players.

A note on the scoring, it is not automatically updated. I manually enter them as they change and as time permits. I will try to do the start of games, halftime, and end of games as best I can. Don't panic if it's not updated and your perfect score isn't showing yet.:-P All that probably won't be an issue but I have to mention it.

Sooooo that's it for now and 2nd place luck to you all.

Any questions, you know where to find me.