Week 19 results

This week we had four people go 4 for 4, Geoff, Jeff, Jeremy and MikeH all with a score of 34. Total points was 210

The closest to and taking 1st place with a tie breaker of 188 was Jeff. Not his first time cashing this year but his first 1st. Taking 2nd and finally getting in on the action this year was Mike H and his TB of 178. In 3rd by one measely point was Jeremy. And taking a distant 4th with a TB of 144 was the other Geoff.

And we had four people end up with 27 but only one could take the consolation prize, and that was Brian with his TB of 178. Honorable mention goes to Anna, Eddie and Justin. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

For the overall points total and crown of TWFP Champ for 2019, the top five remains the same going into the final week, plus Todd. Jozlyn is still in the lead but only by 5 points. Jeremy closed the gap this week and could take it all in the final week. Brian remains in 3rd followed by Adrianna in 4th. And Sister Joy and Todd are tied for 5th. Roman and SteveG both have a shot at cracking the top five. Everybody else, better luck next year.

The pick sheet will be out on Thursday night. There's only two games to play this week for 10 and 9 points. By now everyone has the hang of EMAILING or texting your TIEBREAKER so this will be the only time it's mentioned.

Geaux Tigers,

Larry E.