Weeks 10 and 11 recap

We have another two-fer this week and in more ways than one, the same winner two weeks in a row. WOW!

In Week 10 the chick power was in play with Adrianna taking 1st place with 43 and Doodles in 2nd with 40. And for 3rd we had a three way tie at 37 between Alex, Joe and Larry A. Honorable mention went to Todd just one point out. For the overall, Jozlyn held tight to the top spot followed by Jeremy in 2nd, Sister Joy in 3rd, and a tie by husband and wife Adrianna and SteveF for 4th.

This Week Adrianna strikes again taking 1st place with a near perfect 54 going 9 for 10. WOO HOO! In 2nd was Hector with an impressive 51, also 9 for 10. Richard took 3rd with 49, Roman 4th with 48 and Jeremy got the consolation prize with 46. A strong showing by all. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!

In the overall race for the title, Jozlyn keeps her grip on 1st, but Jeremy has closed the gap in 2nd. Adrianna moves up to 3rd, Sister Joy drops one spot to 4th and Roman moves into the group in 5th.

Still lots of football to be played and prizes to be won so Pick Em Good!