Are you ready for 2019

Getting this out a little later this year. We have a glitch with the website that should be fixed soon, so I was holding off for that.

At any rate, starts three weeks from Thursday on Sept 5th, with the Packers visiting Bears. Should be a good game without snow on the ground at Soldier Field.

As always, If you are staying in the pool this year, send me a reply saying "I'm IN!"

If you have any prospects that want to get in, forward this email to them and tell them to send an email to [email protected] saying who they are and that they are IN like Flint!

Once again this year, we will be using Pay Pal for those who want to pay their entry fee electronically. THIS WILL ONLY BE FOR RECEIVING PAYMENTS, NOT PAYOUTS. Those will be done the traditional way by check.

I will post and send out the Pool Memo and Rules once the website is live.

So if you are IN AGAIN, send me a reply saying I'M IN.

The Commish!