Week 8 and 9 recaps

It's another two fer in the recap column...................

Our week eight winner was another first timer to the TWFP, Kris, displaying her chick power with an almost perfect score of 53 points. The force is strong in the ladies this year.

2nd place went to our reigning champion SamK, just one point behind at 52 points. He could be making his move towards another title. And just one point behind at 51 was Tony who has had a strong return to the pool this year already. Taking 3rd with 49 was Joe, his first time in the placements this year. And tying for the consolation prize with 48 was Jim and the previous weeks winner, KevinQ. Honorable mention went to JakeT, Rick and Todd with 42.

In the overall, JakeFSF remained in the lead, with a tie for 2nd between Carson and Todd, followed by Rick and Jeremy.

PERFECT! That's what he was in week nine. Going 10 for 10 with a PERFECT score of 55, our first of the year, all hail BRIAN F! Pretty tough to do given all the variables, so a big ATTA BOY to him and his 1st placement this year.

Second place was a tie between Adrianna and LarryA with 50 points, a good showing by both. 4th place went to Steven with 48, and the consolation prize went to Jeremy with 47. Honorable mention went to Chon, Matt and Rudy with 46.

For the overall, we had a big shake up in week nine with Jeremy moving into the top spot. Carson remained alone in second and Rick up to third. Adrianna moved up into the top five, along with Matt and the Gambler SteveG tying for the fifth spot.

CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS of week 8 and 9, especially the Saints! WHO DAT!