Week 3 results

Taking 1st place in Week 3 was last years runner up from the bottom, Roger with 42. His first time in the cashish ever. His rookie campaign wasn't too good, but he's doing better this year. His nine pointer this week was a tough loss though.DOH!
In 2nd place we had a three way tie between Antonio, Pam and Theresa with 40. This is Pam's second time in three weeks in the honey so watch out for her this year. The consolation prize went to MikeM who came out of nowhere on Monday with his nine pointer to leap into the winning circle. Honorable mention goes to Jim who I thought was a lock for the last spot. CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!:-$

For the overall title, no surprise Pam is leading the way, followed by Carson just four points behind. Roger moves up into the group in 3rd, followed by our 2015 Champ Jake From State Farm in 4th, and Brian C stays in the top five in 5th.

Okay, we have a nice group of 62 players, but if you have anyone else to bring in, this is the last week they can join. After week four the pool is closed and I can start the payouts. You know the drill about sending an email, etc but they must get in before the games start on Sunday morning.

Just a couple of things to note, the scoring system is set automatically for 30 minutes after the games end. When you see the scores updating during the games, I am doing that manually. So if they don't update as fast as your television, maybe I'm away from my PC and can't make the update. I can do them on my phone if I'm out of pocket, but it's tough. Remember, I'm a food broker not a bookie.

A suggestion for anyone who needs help getting their picks in, email or text them to me like this, listed from 10 to 1.


These are my picks from last week so don't get excited.lol

Okay, second place luck to everyone in Week 4 and GO SAINTS!

Larry E